The Long Haul from Saul to Paul


Growing up I remember one of the most moving experiences in Christian environments: the personal testimony. I must confess while this was one of the most exciting things to hear or witness, it always left me a little self-conscious or insecure. I just never thought my story would tell as well as those who “gave their testimony.” The Apostle Paul’s story is so remarkable and such an integral part of the earliest Church history that it comprises at least half the Book of Acts. The story of this once-Christian-killer teaches us that God really can turn us into a radically different person. Saul’s transformation was not just a Damascus Road experience. f65c6a3e8918d6b079a0af86f72358cfThe road to Damascus was the starting point where Saul encountered the Risen Christ, but his transformation story took his whole life. Some of us sell ourselves short because of our age, our past, or our lack of what we think is a “good testimony.” When we look at the man who held the coats for Stephen’s murderers and then the man who got beaten, shipwrecked, and survived a viper bite all to preach the Gospel to the most powerful emperor in the world, we realize God can do anything with any life, even mine.

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